At Watermelon, the future is what you make it

Thomas Leek

Thomas Leek

| 3 min

About a year ago, Bas walked in the door for his first interview. Since that moment, we can’t imagine not having him on the team! His enthusiasm, ambition and sense of humour are not only a boon to the office culture, but also to customers making the most of their chatbots. Bas is a Customer Success Manager who’s responsible for making chatbots the best they can be. Curious what it’s like to be Bas, and what delights him about working at Watermelon? Read on!

An unexpected road to his first day

Whenever you’re talking with Bas, it’s instantly obvious that he’s enthusiastic about Watermelon. “I felt good after the first meeting. The team quickly followed up for a second interview, and I even got a tour! There was a click right away, and things moved quickly.” When we asked Bas how he came across the job, we were surprised to learn his supervisor has sent him a link. “I had been working at a company for a while, and I started to feel stuck. I wasn’t feeling like I was in the right place anymore, especially since there wasn’t much room to grow. My supervisor was leaving the company and happened to come across the Customer Success Manager role at Watermelon. When he saw it he thought immediately: ‘this is the perfect job for Bas!’”

Building a better outcome

But what does Bas actually do at Watermelon, and what about the job suits him so well? “When a customer first gets started with Watermelon, the Onboarding specialist helps the customer to get the chatbot live. Once it’s live, it’s my job (as a Customer Success Manager) to work with the customer to ensure the chatbot is as successful as possible. But starting July 1st, things are going to work a little bit different. We’re continuously improving our processes, which in this case means the entire Customer Experience department is changing. We’re rebuilding the team from scratch, so our customers have an even better experience working with Watermelon. We’re going to be proactive, not just reactive. We’ll see better results, and so will our customers. Since we’ve been measuring more, we’ve gotten way more insights as to how we can better help our customers.”

We really need to work together

When we asked Bas what he enjoys most about his work, he smiled: “my favorite part of my job is working directly with customers. The results we achieve are truly awesome. I really enjoy working with a client to take one of his ideas and make it a reality. When we’re in a meeting, I can give one or two tips, and boom! The customer’s getting that much more out of our product. I really think that’s cool.” He also really enjoys collaborating with the Melons as well, and presents some unique challenges that keep him engaged. “I work really well with the team. We really need to work together, there’s no other way. We’re not a massive company, which means it’s easy to walk over to the sales team and ask a question and get an answer right away. It’s not like a company where you feel like you’re a number. If you’re encountering a problem, more than one person will ask ‘What do you need? Let’s figure it out together.’ People are really working together here, and helping each other succeed.

The sky's the limit

We asked Bas about the future, and saw the fire in his eyes. “The sky’s the limit. I think things are going to take off. We’ll cross our T’s and scale up. We want to continue to grow our business abroad.” He’s very ambitious! That’s one thing all Melons have in common. “Watermelon really considers whether someone is going to be a good fit. A person might have the right experience on paper, but he might not be the best culture fit. I think that everyone who’s here now fits in well. That’s important. If you’re a Melon, it doesn’t matter if it’s your first day or your 300th. You’ll get a warm welcome. The fact that each person is a complement to another’s skills and talents helps keep the team sharp, the culture healthy and the results positive. What I really like about working at Watermelon is that I can make my own mark. The future is what I make it. If someone has a good idea, there’s an opportunity to bring that to life. Things are fluid and we’re growing. That makes for a very enthusiastic and dynamic work environment.”

Are you one in a melon?

Did you read this story and can see yourself in Bas’ shoes? We have good news for you! We’re looking for more new teammates. If you think you can add value to our close knit, ambitious team, we’d love to hear from you! Take a look at our Careers page, and perhaps we’ll see you soon!

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